Google अब हिंदी में
Google तो जैसे रुकेगा ही नहीं। अब हिंदी में blog लिखना बहुत ही सरल हो गया है। transliteration के schemes तो हमेशा से थे पर google का नया हिंदी blogging का tool बहुत ही ज्यादा सरल है। आपको जो ठीक लगे, उस हिसाब से अंग्रेजी में लिखते जाइए, और google खुद समझ लेता है कि हिंदी का कौनसा शब्द है। यही नहीं, अगर एक से अधिक शब्दों कि spelling अंग्रेजी में एक सी होगी, तो शब्द पर left-click करने से सारे options दिखा देता है। google वो सब कुछ कर रहा है जो मैं करना चाहूँगा। ये गलत बात है। :(
Mujhe pasand aaya ye :) :P
Highway Star, at 5:29 AM
Though I can't quite figure out how to make this work :-/
Highway Star, at 5:36 AM
Innovations at Google have changed and will keep on changing how the world works..the last two lines of your post says a lot about you dude...I hope that you come up with something that will give Google a run for its money!!!
Keep blogging!
Saurabh, at 1:10 AM
hey.. the transliteration thing is offered by many editors too.. like "Yudit".. chk out so all that google has done is - make it light and do it with javascript in a browser..
Meghana Kshirsagar, at 11:17 AM
well, yudit's been around for quite some time now.. many others too..
Meghana Kshirsagar, at 11:20 AM
hey google haven't done anything new and I've been using a site for hindii transliteration from last 8-9 months and its better thn google in everyway moreover its in 6 different Indian language and there are mailing and searching options also... the best feature is that it's a service by a banglore based Indian company tachyon who claimed tat they r the first to launch a hindi transliteration site and they are right also as far as I know.... you can also try that Indian product chk this link
Freedom, at 11:41 AM
I know that what google has done isn't really new. I myself wrote a transliterator not less than 8 years ago. The good thing is that since we use Google so much, an integrated hindi typing tool is very cool.
Do I recognize the work done by the
likes of yudit and tachyon - of course. Whether or not they were the first ones to do it is immaterial. They've built a cool product and it is appreciated.
As I've said in my previous postings, I'd rather like that Google does not become so powerful as to control our lives (which it already does in my opinion) and instead, independent developers create cool tools and then figure out ways to plug their tools in with other services to build custom applications for users. That way, a monopoly will be avoided and yet the user experience would be enriched.
Parijat, at 9:27 PM
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